On Saturday, June 30, we held a snow cone giveaway for the community. Nearly 60 people were given a snow cone and told that Jesus love them. Thank you to everyone who came out to love and serve their neighbors. Click "read more" below to view more photos.
Pastors are expected to do a lot, but there are some things you should be doing as well.
Here are 5 things that your pastor needs from YOU! Prayer If you aren’t already, please make sure that you are praying for your pastor on a regular basis. The work of the Lord can never be done on man’s strength and ability alone. Each one of us must be seeking heaven (Matthew 6:33) and asking God to work in our churches, but also in the lives of our pastors. Who doesn't like something for FREE? If you do, then we have a deal for you! Do you like to read? Own an e-reader or digital device? Then you need to sign up for the weekly emails from David C. Cook, a Christian book publisher. They give away at least one (1) FREE e-book each week. The retail value of the books range from anywhere from $10 to $18. What's the catch? No catch! You just visit their website www.dccebooks.com and sign up for their emails. *If you don't have an e-reader you can get a Amazon's cloud reader (where you can read books via the web) or get the Kindle app for our iPod, iPad or any other smart device. Links of interest: Kindle Cloud Reader -- https://read.amazon.com iBooks for iPhone, iPad, iPod -- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ibooks/id364709193?mt=8 Thank you for checking out our new website. We will share news, events, photos, an occasional word from our pastor along with share helpful links and resources on this section of our website.