What to Expect. |
The goal is Connection. |
Our weekly worship service is held at 10 a.m. on Sunday mornings. We gather together to pray, sing, give and study God's Word together.
Our Music -- We sing two hymns and a contemporary song each week. Our Dress -- Come as you are! We have people who come in blue jeans and suits. |
Whether you are just visiting, a new member or somewhere in between, we welcome you. We trust you are here for a reason and we want to help you get connected as quickly as possible.
Don't hesitate to reach out or hang around after a service to talk about your spiritual journey. You can also contact us for prayer concerns or for questions using our online form. We invite you to learn about our history and what we believe along with our goals for reaching Sumter. We we want you to know that our team is here to help you a next step toward Jesus! |
Ways to get Involved.
Small Groups -- We occasionally offer short-term small groups. The goal of these groups is for you to find community with other believers and have a chance to get to know one another, pray and study God's Word together. These groups will also encourage you to take next steps in your faith journey.
Our Location
Our church is located at 227 Broad Street, next door to Elmore Hill McCreight Funeral Home.